
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語短語 > 表原因的英語短語


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  1. because of:較口語化;通常作狀語,一般不作表語用;可接名詞、代詞、分詞或what引導(dǎo)的名詞性從句等。

  Eg. Sampras is likely to miss the US Open because of his back injury. 桑普拉斯因為背部有傷可能缺席美國公開賽。(置于句后作狀語)

  Because of my bad leg ,I couldn’t walk so fast as the others.


  Because of his wife’s being there,I said nothing about it.因為他妻子在場,我對此事只字未提。


  He realized that she was crying because of what he had said.他意識到她在哭是因為他說的那些話。


  2.due to:引導(dǎo)的短語在句中除可作狀語(此時不用于句首)外,也可作表語或定語。 Eg.Your failure is due to negligence.你的失敗是由于疏忽所造成的。

  A part of the energy is wasted in machines due to friction.


  Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend. 在那個周末因高速駕駛造成的交通事故很多。

  Joe’s application to the University was not accepted due to his failing English.


  注意:due to除可表示原因外,還有“應(yīng)給于,應(yīng)屬于”的意思。

  Eg. Our grateful thanks are due to you.向你表示我們衷心的感謝

  3.on account of:后面常接名詞。

  Eg. We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather.


  I’m thinking of going down to Qingdao for a fortnight ,on account of my health.


  注意:On my/your accoun 為了你(我)(的緣故)

  On this/that account由于這個(那個)緣故

  Eg. She thinks you’re leaving Aunt Ketty on her account.她以為你是為了她才打算離開凱蒂阿姨的。

  On this account, we should be cautious.因為這個緣故我們應(yīng)該謹慎。 He is angry on that account.由于那個緣故他生氣了。

  4.owing to:引出的介詞短語,在句中作狀語或表語,做狀語時,習(xí)慣上用逗號和句子其他部分分開。

  Eg. They decided to pospone the trip, owing to bad weather.由于天氣不好他們決定推遲旅行。

  Owing to his careless driving, we had a bad accident.由于他駕駛疏忽,我們發(fā)生了次大車禍。

  (Cf: The accident was due to his careless driving.這次車禍是由于他的駕駛疏忽。)

  5.thanks to:通常用于好的方面,譯為“多虧”,但有時作反語;引導(dǎo)的介詞短語可置于句首或句末。

  Eg. The play succeeded thanks to fine acting by all the cast.由于全體演員的出色表演,那出戲才成功。、

  It was thanks to his carelessness that we lost the game.由于他的疏忽大意我們輸?shù)袅诉@場比賽。

  Thanks to your help, we were successful.多虧了你的幫助,我們得以成功。 Thanks to the bad weather ,the match had been cancelled.


  注意:Small thanks to 一點也不感激

  Eg. We were successful ,but small thanks to you.


  6.as a result :,常用在有上下文(表原因)的情況下。

  as a result of„“由于„的結(jié)果”,可置于句首或句末。

  Eg. He had some bad fish.As a result,he didn’t feel well this morning. 他吃了些變質(zhì)的魚,因此,今天早上感覺到不舒服。

  As a result of the flood,thousands of people lost their homes. 因為發(fā)大水,成千上萬的人失去了家園。


  英語學(xué)習(xí)專家提醒:英語學(xué)習(xí)重在運用,要動起來,be active in your study!對于我們準備的資料,請不要僅僅是看鬧熱,或一時興起,而是要重在堅持!英語學(xué)習(xí)沒有捷徑,只有一步一個腳印!今天的內(nèi)容是表原因或理由的介詞的學(xué)習(xí),重點在于運用于真實語境中來領(lǐng)悟其用法!這里,我比較推薦李陽瘋狂英語關(guān)于英語語法學(xué)習(xí)的方法,就是把該語法的例句瘋狂地脫口而出!建議大家試試!

  表原因或理由的介詞:for, at, from, of, with, by, because of

  1. for 表示原因,常與 sorry, famous, punish, praise, thank, blame等詞連用。如: I am sorry for what I said to you. 我后悔不該對你講那些話。

  2. at 指情感變化的原因,意為 “ 因聽到或看到而 ……”。如:

  He was surprised at the news. 聽到這消息他大吃一驚。

  3. from 指 “ 外在的原因 ”,如受傷、車禍等。如:

  He died from the wound. 他因受傷而致死。

  4. of 指 “ 內(nèi)在的原因 ”,如病、餓等。如:

  The old man died of hunger. 老人死于饑餓。

  5. with指生理上或情感上的由外界到內(nèi)心的原因。如:

  Hearing the news, he jumped with joy. 他們聽到這個消息,欣喜若狂。

  He was shaking with anger. 他氣得渾身發(fā)抖。

  6. by表示外部的,尤其是暴力的或無意中造成某種結(jié)果的原因。

  Her body was bent by age. 他因年老背彎了。

  She took your umbrella by mistake. 我因弄錯拿了你的雨傘。

  7. because of 表示引起結(jié)果的直接原因。如:

  He retired last month because of illness/because he ill.

  8. owing to多表示引起某不良后果的原因。如:

  Owing to the rain they could not come. 由于下雨他們沒來。

  9. thanks to表示引起某種幸運結(jié)果的原因,常譯為“幸虧„„,多虧„„”。如: Thanks to John, we won the game. 多虧約翰,我們才贏了這場比賽。

  10. out of表示動機的起因,常譯為“出于„„”。如:

  He asked the question out of curiosity. 他出于好奇才問了那個問題。

  11. through多表示因局部而影響全局的原因。如:

  The war was lost through bad organization. 戰(zhàn)爭因組織不周而失敗了。