Finding a good job that you like — and see yourselfstaying at for more than a year — is hard to comeby. However, once you've secured the job, it'simportant not to get too comfortable. If you're notcareful, you could sabotage your career with anemployer. Here are six blunders that could causeyour career to go up in flames.
1.Sleep deprivation
Working while chronically sleep deprived can cause you to make significant errors. And thestress of not getting enough sleep can make you irritable and just plain unpleasant to bearound. Who wants to work with a cranky person who constantly makes mistakes? Get somesleep and spare your co-workers from having to deal with you and the black cloud that followsyou all day.
If you refuse to do more than what it says in your job description, good luck moving up theladder. If you don't pull it together and find some initiative, your rung just might get cut off.You should always be looking for opportunities to go above and beyond your requiredresponsibilities. During the process you may even uncover a talent you didn't realize you had.
Lying can kill your career at a company before it even starts. Resist the urge to lie on yourrésumé or during the interview. It may take some time, but eventually you will be caught. Sodon't add degrees you didn't earn or jobs that you never had. Know that your work history isincluded in your employment credit report, so information about past jobs can be easilyresearched. And once an employer discovers your dishonesty, you will be seen as someone whocan't be trusted. Just don't do it.
This one is pretty obvious, but you'd be surprised at how many employees steal from theiremployers and even their co-workers. No matter how much you need a few pencils for yourchild's homework assignment, or a pack of paper for your printer at home, don't take it fromyour office. If you get caught, and you probably will, most employers will show you the door, noquestions asked. So spare yourself the embarrassment and just head on over to your nearestoffice supply store. Furthermore, a recent study has shown that taking small things, such as apen or a pack of Post-it Notes, could possibly lead to bigger crimes in the future. If you go tojail for a bigger crime it will be really hard to find a job later on, so try to control the urge.
5.Being a lone ranger
It's important to be a team player. Let go of the attitude that this is your world and others aremerely living in it. This is not your world, and you have to work with other people in order toget things done. If you don't feel like being a team player, at least pretend that you actuallylike working with people.
6.Not keeping your skills current
No matter how good you are at your job, your skills will need a tune-up from time to time. Theavailability of free and low-cost online courses and certificate programs leaves you with noexcuse. You can even find helpful courses at your local library. Take the time to developyourself.