On that day in June, it was incredibly hot, and some of the clouds, like clouds and fog, floated low and low in the air, making people feel suffocated. The sky was blue, and the sun was burning, and the clouds were burned by the sun, and vanished. The sun was like a fireball of the eldest, the light burned, the road was scorched by the scorching sun, and a series of white smoke went down. It soiled the tarmac, burned the face of the pedestrian, and sunburned the leaves on the side of the road, so that the crops were lowered, and the flowers hid themselves in the leaves. When the basin fell to the ground, the ground began to ring, like a thirsty man who drank a pot of water. It was so hot that even the dragonflies could fly in the shade of the trees, as if they were afraid of the sun hurting their wings. The grass and trees are down; Only those who knew and made a high cry out of the branches;
I could not bear the pain of the sun at home, and took some change and went downstairs. I walked to the ice cream vendor, there has all kinds of ice cream freezer, have "and road liuxue86.com snow", "magnum", "mengniu", "yili" etc, they lie in the freezer, seem in waved to me and said "the weather is so hot, eat ice cream is the best possible way." I said, "boss, buy ice cream." "Well, which one do you want? "The boss said to me with a smile. "Well... take this one." I pointed to the "and the snow" in the freezer. "" ok," and "road snow" for five." "The boss said to me. "Here's the money." I took out the ice cream from the freezer, opened the bag, and just put it in my mouth, and I felt a chill of my tongue. The ice cream was soft, ice cream, sweet and sweet, and then I wiped out an ice cream.
After eating the ice cream, it doesn't feel so hot, oh, it feels good to eat ice cream
During the ancient times the Greeks held swimming sessions in full respect and with highregard.It was after more than a hundred years when swimming was reincarnated and became acompetitive sport.
Swimming is indeed a great kind of sport.With the whole body moving against the watercurrent,it is considered as an excellent form of physical and cardiovascular exercise.
Relieves stress because it is a relaxing exercise.
Increases the flexibility of the body,enhances balance and coordination.
Serves as a form of therapy for some ailments and medical condition.
Builds and tones the muscles.
Helps maintain cardiovascular fitness.
Keeps the heart and lungs healthy.
On a sunny day, we went to the beach. I like the beach water, because his water is with the sky the same color, only a little sad, but I want to use our happy sadness, the sea away with us and joy. I like the sand beach in the sun, because he beamed below appears very beautiful and shine.